Part 54: Episode 5: Part 10: The Book of Sermeot.
Episode 5: Part 10: The Book of Sermeot.Microcline" post="495684057 posted:
Honestly I always felt like this scene was weak and didn't fit with the rest of the game. Traizun as a whole doesn't fit with the rest of the cast. It's like a generically cool anime swordsman who wants to kill his dad wandered in from somewhere else.
One of the things I appreciate about the game is how violence is portrayed. For the most part it's unglamorous and there's weight to the killing. It's more about the circumstances that made our protagonists murderhobos than a capacity to dispatch hordes of ninja.
About the previous updates Traziun scene. Yeah, this about sums up why I've probably always preferred Lexus's death scene or a few to come in E6 as my pick for the series' best scene. And why Traziun is way down my list of favoured characters.

"Did he attack me to save Cetsa? Is she a friend of his?
I'll bet that's it.
I was an idiot for trusting her."

"Now what am I going to do? I've wasted so much time...
And Serena might just be..."

Why in fucks name is this scene set so I can't see Scatha and half of Dirk, Lun?

Dirk, tell him about the Pontifex Maximusss Tetsssel.

Does he mean political power or...?
"He keeps extensive records in his various fortresses."

That's... not all that many.

And whenever somone croaks, er, dies, it writes their name and the date of their demise in another book, heh.
This book is called the Book of Sermeot, heh.

Yeah this is a lot to lay on us so suddenly.

(I know I'm going to regret this...)

Sssacrifa wasss one of the rebelsss. But he wasss overcome by loyalistsss of the Pontifex Maximussss.

If I were a betting man, heh, and I am, I'd say he's probably there, right now!
Just follow me and I'll get us there, no problaymo, heh.

And with that, we're off.

A whole bunch of the chests here give doubles. The next two chests are 2x Pocite and 2x Wicite.

Also Dirk's Dust Devil XLIFE uprgaded itself, but he's still as mostly useless as ever.

It's absolutely lousy with encounters here too. If you jump that gap over at the left...

You can find this out of the way Stricite. You know, I have 5 free strides and this will make 6? Because I have all my slots filled with Step 1 and 2 Blade Arts because WE'RE FUCKING OVER HALFWAY THROUGH EPISODE 5 AND WE STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN OUR FIRST STEP 3 BLADE ART AND NO I HAVEN'T MISSED ANY!

This new encounter type isn't much of a problem either. It's just that without either Kloe or Cetsa to fill the fourth slot, fights take a bit long.

I switch to Illuminati next, because it has the lowest attack power but highest base XL Gain of our transcendental weapon auras. Hattassar is the opposite with 70 attack power but only 1 (!!!!!) XL Gain.
Anyway, right after this we head up some rocky stairs to find the end of this area.

It's going to be a cold one! Heh.

(I'm... alive?)

Slade slooowly limps over to the door, not even taking notice of Ghost Horror there.

????: "Don't let her escape!"

Lyrra runs through...

And when the Blood Lyn follow, Slade tries to help but... he can barely move and then Lyrra screams.

No music now, just the howling of wind...

What? You were there in Jopaga's lab, which you clearly remembered earlier, when the subject of the formula for her face came up!

I'm no onesss prey!

What the fuck are you doing.

Scatha grabs and/or hits Rhue. It's not clear. There's a thud sound but he doesn't flash red as per usual.

I acsssept your pathetic apology.

And with that we move on, still without music.

We walk through a couple screens of nothing. No enemies, no loot, nothing at all.

And then we get surprised by a boss! This boss would be a brutal challenge honestly, it has tons of HP and does nasty damage. It's strong against blindness so Dirk' completely useless, as well as most other status effects. So normally, Rhue and Dirk'd be chipping away at it while Scatha heals.
Except nothing can stand up to the almighty power of PRONE and I prevent it from doing much the whole battle by using Hurricane Blade whenever prone wears off.

That's Dust Bowl maxed. I switch to Atmosphere, the air element pattern. Shortly after...

"Don't jes stand there, let's go, heh!"

Been a damn while since we last saw the FF6 dirt cave tileset.

These guys can freeze you and thats about it!

At the end of the cave entrance we come into this big puzzle area. Into the one open door.

This lets us open the metal door which leads us to...

I bet you can roughly guess the nature of this puzzle now. I set it to metal doors and there's also a door to a different hall right below the switch.

Out there we meet a trio of VERY nasty enemies. These guys do nasty damage and uh... That's about it. But they're IMMUNE TO PRONE!!! And they do enough damage that they can cripple or even murder your party before you can even kill one of them if you're unlucky. So the tactic here is to have Dirk blind them.

Yay. I switch to Pandamaare, the Shadow aura. In a nearby room I pick up Key #2 and...

Switch to wooden door which lets us find another switch and...
Well, it's not an interesting puzzle, or even very long or hard. I'll cut it short and say I get a whole bunch of loot and the way to the stairs we need to get out of here. No sign of Tetzel or those books and quill.

The stairs lead to more cave.

Fucking finally. This first attempt of this fight too after I tried like 3-4 times every single random encounter, let alone the boss fights. I'm pretty sure this is what happened every time I've played but I can't remember, so I suspect it might only roll the chance to get this on the first use per battle. Also, yes I checked to make sure I got it.


This might seem quick to you guys but it's not. Transcendental Sword Auras need 10x the AR that the Weapon and Elemental auras needed per level. I think Weapon and Elemental need 20 AR at level 1 while Transcendental need 200. I fought a LOT of fights. Also I actually forget to switch auras for a little while.

There's not much to say here but this thing is high resistant or immune to both prone and blindness which is annoying. So pretty much just have Dirk and Rhue chip at it while Scatha heals.

That's maxed out too now.

I didn't point this out last time but Transcendental weapons have more bonuses than Weapon and Elemental. You can see they boost things like Poise and Will here and even... DEFENSE!?
Defense is a special case. It's always set to 1, except for if you have one of these Aura's equipped. There's one pattern we have that also has its third level flow increase defense but yeah. These are the only ways to raise your defense.'
Transcendental weapon auras also have a passive bonus (or penalty in Hatassasar's case) that sometimes improves as it levels up. Hatassasar's penalty is that it's high attack power costs 1 XL per attack... and it starts with an XL Gain of 1.
Lastly, do you see how it looks like we'll learn three moves next level of Pandamaare? Those are all actually one attack. The name and power of that move is different depending on how many of the Transcendental auras you have at level 3. I'm not sure if it makes the attack more powerful, but I do know the move has the attribute of all auras at 3, which is very nice for getting around enemy resistances/weaknesses.
Anyway, we enter the room the Hornjaw guarded...

We fade out as Gaius turns around.

The floor is shifting... moving.

I did not find her death disagreeable, but I was not an active participant in her demise.

You will see her death exactly as I did.
You will look upon the very moment of time that she was separated from this plane.

the end